Oct 7, 2007

Benevolent Marketing, by Dan Blackburn

This is a letter that Ric Raftis posted in his blog No Bull Internet Marketing. I think this Benevolent Marketing has some meat, so I'm reposting it here:


You have probably heard these words said hundreds of time before, and I bet every time you heard it it was coming from someone who had discovered how to create wealth or said by someone who was talking about someone who had discovered how to create wealth.

So what are “these words”?


“In order to receive, first you must give.”

I was first encouraged to adopt this attitude by Mark Hendricks. At first I way skeptical, it seemed ridiculous to me initially, but I soon “got it” and proved that is was true. I started having a lot more success in every thing I did just by making this simple shift in mindset.

In fact, the first time I put this simple “technique” into practice and started sharing my profits with worthy causes, I saw my order rate increase more than ten-fold!

The benefits do not stop at increased sales either. You will find, if you use these techniques, that your subscribers and customers will be more willing to read and respond to your future emails too. It’s like you receive a blessing from what ever force drives the universe and things just become easier for you. If you start out with this attitude.

In the early days when I had a very selfish approach to making money online, I had little success. I would do all the things I am doing now, but the results were some what different. When I mailed an offer out, I was lucky if I made 3 sales and quite frankly it did not seem worth it.

In fact, I do recall sending out a promotion the week before I had my chat with Mark and it completely bombing.. not one sale! I made a tweak, gave 50% direct to Cancer Research and made 268 sales!

I was blown away!
A few months later, I met Jeff Davis, Jeff is becoming well known as a copy writer now, but when I first met him, he was about to throw in the towel. He had been trying for months and had yet to make a single sale of anything.
Jeff contacted me and said… “I saw you were asking for help writing ads for PDF-Power-Brand, here is what I have done for you”.Just out of the blue like that, he turned up and gave me what I was looking for. He didn’t ask for anything in return. We got chatting on Yahoo IM and Jeff told me all about himself, how he damaged his back, lost his job, his home and all about his desperation and struggle to make money on line.
Jeff did not ask me for any money for writing the ads for me, he actually got a little embarrassed when I asked him how much he wanted to write 5 more. So I decided to show Jeff a little gold. I was ready to mail out a promotion, I got him to sign up as an affiliate and I mailed out rotating our links for sign ups together, expecting to generate about 40 sales total).
The next day, Jeff was literally doing cart wheels. 39 sales had appeared in his inbox while he slept! By the end of the week, the promotion had generated almost 400 sales!
This was more than I am used to, definitely above average and I am convinced that sharing the sales with Jeff had something to do with that. Not least because it is what Jeff deserved. I was blessed for opening the door for him and sharing my resource with him. Just as he had unconditionally shared his writing talent with me.
Jeff really needed to make that money then. If he hadn’t, he probably wouldn’t be here helping me now. I get a lot of help from Jeff, we have become good friends. Like I said, increased conversion is not the only benefit you draw by using this technique.
I encourage you to adopt a benevolent attitude to your business efforts.
Don’t set out thinking “How can I make a lot of money”. Instead think, what can I do to improve the environment I live and work in. How can I use my own skills and power to help people?
If you set out with this attitude, I guarantee that the road of progress will be easier for you.
Tashi deley, *
Jorge Pinkus
Your Maximum Success Coach
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* Tashi deley = Tibetan greeting: "I Honor the Greatness in You."