Feb 14, 2007

What do Web 2.0 and porn sites have in common...

There has been a great deal of attention to this thing that is being called Web 2.0 and the social websites...

In several blogs I've seen that they are wondering what is the marketing plan for this sites. From where do the money is going to come?

I think that all Web 2.0 and the so-called social sites are not being developed to earn money at the beginning. On the contrary: following a sound marketing and business principle, they are developing first the market and then they will sell something to them (whatever needs the market develops).

As a marketer, you have two options (being this the very basic concept) to have prospects to buy from you: either a) you enter a market with the need for what you market or b) you develop the market first and then start marketing.

Web 2.0 was not developed in the first place as a marketing ploy or because some big corporations deemed it plausible... Social sites started as a need from the very core of users (in a similar sense as the www itself got developed): first the public started it, then the marketers came.

Well, really before the marketers, the porn industry was there. Wanna see where do the opportunities are? Check what the people are doing to get their dose of porn! A little down the road, the marketers of other areas are going to start using their techniques and developments.

Those are my 1.99 cents...

Jorge Pinkus
Your Maximum Success Coach

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