Mar 5, 2007

7 Common Mistakes of Webmarketers

1. You Only Advertise Other People's Programs and Webpages

If you have joined an Affiliate Program or a Network Marketing Program (MLM), you would know they give you a website address, which might even have your name mentioned on the front page. Don't even think of just advertising this page.

Think about it for a moment. If you just advertise your referral page, what happens to the traffic you create? Most people don't buy on their first visit, but they might submit their name and email address to get free information. When they do you are creating leads for the owners of the program you are promoting and very often you won't even know it. They would have been your leads if you had sent them to your own website instead of your referral page.

Why would you spend all your energy promoting someone else? Not only are you paying them a monthly fee, you are promoting THEIR name all over the place. They get more and more well known as tens of thousands of people promote their name, whether you are successful or not.

The simple solution? Promote yourself. If you don't want your name up in lights, promote your company name. If you don't have a company name, make one up. Don't hesitate or put this off. It is really not very hard. Just make sure it sounds professional and/or appropriate.

2. You Don't Have a Product of your own that People Want

The most cost efficient product you can have is information. People want information that will provide them with some sort of benefit. And the best part is that information products allow your business to be completely automated with instant delivery (download or online access) and no shipping costs.

Your information product doesn't have to be a 200 page ebook that you sell for $50. It can be something as simple as a report (like this one) that you give away freely to anyone who enters their email address in a form on your website. Then, after they have given you their email address, you can follow up with them and introduce them to any Affiliate, MLM or Network Marketing programs of your choice.

The main requirement is that you provide people with some form of value - and don't just try to sell them. Give them valuable information when they opt in, and make sure the opportunities you introduce them to in your follow-up will give THEM the chance to be successful as well. People are placing a level of trust in you by registering their e-mail address. Do not abuse their trust.

3. You Don't Have your own Website

There is no easy way around it. You MUST have your own site if you are going to succeed easily, or you'll find yourself struggling like crazy just to break even, like over 90% without their own website are doing.

I don't mean one of the sites the different programs offer you with your monthly fee. I mean a site that is promoting "YOU".

This way YOU will be the one that benefits from your marketing efforts. You will build YOUR OWN list of interested leads. They opt in to receive information from YOU!

Do you see the difference? Even if they don't end up buying the first thing you are promoting, they might buy what you are going to offer them next. They have opted in to YOUR LIST, which means that you can follow up with them again and again.

You won't have that chance if you just send them to a referral page for a specific program instead of promoting your own website. You only send them to a referral page AFTER they have opted in on YOUR website.

NOTE: It is important to have a number of income producing programs or products to promote. Sure, only offer one thing at a time to avoid confusion, but don't limit your potential income. If you have only one program or product to offer, then what are you going to do about the people on your list who don't want that specific program or product? They are never going to pay you any money if you don't find something else to offer them. That's a lot of potential profit you are missing out on. You'll find some of the best income producing programs in this package.

4. You Don't Have a Follow-up System

You are wasting most of your advertising effort if you let people visit your website and then just let them leave without giving you their email address.

It is a fact of life that most people do not buy on their first visit to a website. Marketing studies show that most sales are made AFTER at least 7 follow-ups to your potential customers, and even after 10 follow-ups you still get sales. You can get up to 75% of your sign-ups after the seventh contact.

So, what you need is a hassle free way to capture their email address and send it directly into an automated follow-up system. In a moment, when you get to the next part of this information, we will show you how easy it will be for you to set this up and get it to work for you.

5. You Don't Have your own e-Mail List

Your list is your most important asset. All the money you'll ever make in this business will come from your list. It is the same for any business. Their customers and potential customers are their most valued assets. Because that's where the money is.

Sending your email offers to your own list is by far the most effective way to advertise - and it's completely free.

That's why your first priority should be building your list. You are not trying to sell them anything yet. You just want their email address and then, when you have their permission, you can send them one email ad after another for as long as it takes to get them to sign up or buy.

Now, as a customer, they are entitled to receive extra value and assistance from you - and extra offers, of course. If you treat your customers well and provide real value they will buy from you again and again.

"The money is in the list!" as every successful marketer will tell you, and now you can start building your own list.

6. You Don't Help your Sign-ups to be Active and Successful

Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing are offering the most incredible income earning potential you will find anywhere on the Internet. But it is also the most widely criticised. How can this be?

So many people join a program, and don't really do any marketing at all. They just wait for spillover from "Other People", or they don't know what to do and commit all the deadly sins of Internet Marketing listed here.

That gives you a real problem, because if they don't personally sign up anybody and you can't offer them anything that would help them, then you'll have to do all the work for them.

To illustrate the problem let's use the 5x5 matrix as an example. Most people like the "realistic idea" of filling their 3rd level which will often give them an income of about $2000 per month. Lets say you are relatively successful and do recruit your 155 people - 5 on your first level, 25 on your second level and 125 on your third level.

Here's the problem: If you don't have a successful business building system to give them that they can use to get sign ups, there is a good chance that NONE of those 155 people will ever recruit anybody. They either don't do anything or they do everything wrong.

That leaves you with 125 people on your 3rd level waiting for their spillover. So you need to recruit another 625 just so your 3rd level doesn't drop out, then quickly recruit 3000 to keep them happy. You can see how the mathematics of this shows a real problem.

If you can't provide spillover for your sign-ups and they can't recruit, they will drop out quicker than you can replace them. So your only solution is to give them a SYSTEM that will enable them to do their own recruiting and duplicate your success.

7. You Suffer from Paralysis by Analysis

There is an absolute Mountain of information available in this business. Every turn you take, there is yet another ebook to buy or get for free. Then there are all the "guru" sites that want to charge you between $20 and $100 per month to get access to all the latest and greatest information.

Stop wasting your time! Sure, you have to build up your level of knowledge but you must know when to stop and actually DO SOMETHING. Don't keep putting it off... or even worse, don't take the "easy" way out and join a couple of affiliate programs or MLMs and advertise the page they give you. Many people fall for this. They keep thinking "I will just get some money from these programs, THEN, I will put my own site up."

Well, in most cases, IT NEVER HAPPENS. They spend all their time advertising these sites, trying to learn more information, sometimes even spend lots of time in discussion forums, but never actually do what they should have done first...

GET YOUR MARKETING SYSTEM IN PLACE FIRST! If you just advertise the programs you are joining without having your own website and your own automated business building system you are fighting a losing battle.

Look at the FACTS:
  • Over 90% of people trying to make money on the Internet never make a profit
  • These people losing money on the Internet do NOT have their own marketing website
  • Almost ALL of the people who actally make money on the Internet HAVE their own website
  • The Top Earners in MLM and Network Marketing are using an Automated Online Business Building System


If you've been working yourself to the bones not getting any closer to the results you dreamed of when you started out, change your approach now. "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got."

[N.B.: If you want your own webdomain name, annual registration for it, webhosting for 12 months, unlimited email addresses, 999 email lists, 999 autoresponders, and much more, for only $99/year, then go to:]

About this article:
It was written by Coach Bill and found on

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