Tracy Yates, a respected and well-known marketer, sent me this text. I regard it as very important, so that's why I'm posting it here--verbatim.
Read it and beware. It's not a sales page, it doesn't try for you to subscribe to anything and it has a very useful link (the second one--look for my comment in brackets)...
============== START OF TRACY TEXT ==================
All right, we've got some serious stuff to cover today, and it ain't
gonna be pretty...
Just yesterday I downloaded a couple of reports concerning so
called "Gurus" and how they people. And, don't worry, I'll
include a link where you can pick up the same materials of
charge as well.
My first impression was one of "Hey, that's true!". But then after
further research, I began to question the motives of the actual
report, and also, if some of the things mentioned were factual.
So, I read some more.
What I found out was actually a mixed bag. And, hopefully, some of
what I say today will help you out in the long run.
Okay, so what we have here is a situation in which there is this
report, offered by [JPP: this is the first link,
that's not that very useful in terms of business, but is the base on
what this text and the second link are on], that tells about all this seedy,
underhanded tactical manipulation used by some of the more
wealthy Internet Marketers labeled either by their own
selves, or others, as "Gurus".
What I can tell you after reading it is that YES, many of the things
stated are the TRUTH. But, were they stated accurately? Or without an
underlying agenda? That becomes the problem.
That raised a very serious question by others that also read the
report. . .Was this a sneaky tactic to create a new income stream for
the author? Or used to bring them more undercover "fame" thereby
creating more success in their online biz?
Really good questions.
I can tell you from my own experience that indeed using fear combined
with a controversial subject is one method often used when selling
products online. I know it is. And, I've even written about this
"dirty trick" myself( yes, I did just name drop my own product).
More than once actually.
But, you'd probably never know that I wrote it. Most people don't.
And there's a good reason for that. Because it's the TRUTH. And
that's exactly what people are most afraid of. The TRUTH. Which is
probably WHY you haven't heard about it, or at least, the REAL person
behind it.
However, I did NOT hide my name. Anyone that does a search will find
this out. And I'm 100% PROUD of these products for revealing what
most successful Marketers DON'T want YOU to know.
Back to the report...
In it, the author, and I won't reveal his name here out of respect,
and if you want to find out who is behind it is easy enough to do,
states that his work is going to piss off mid-range Marketers that
believe in all these self-proclaimed "Gurus". And that they would
dismiss his claims completely.
Guess what?
That actually DID happen! But, was it the author telling the TRUTH,
or was it merely a "slight of hand"? Meaning, did he already know
what type of response his report would illicit from the general
Internet Marketing community beforehand? Hmm. Who knows for sure?
What is known is that this turned into a very heated discussion
inside the Warrior Forum. Three pages worth of responses in fact.
How did I view the report? Well, two sided really.
On the one hand, I know that the truth is being presented.
For example. . .
The fact that many Internet Marketers that come out with a really,
and I mean REALLY, good pro.duct who are basically "nobodies" get
noticed, BIG TIME. Then, when their next pro.duct launch comes out,
it's subservient to the first product. But, they still earn lots of
money from it.
Because the initial product that got them "noticed" by the bigger
players, a.k.a. - the "Gurus", have now positioned them to do cash
sucking Joint Ventures with the "big dogs". So, they rush to put
together the "next big thing", a.k.a. - the "trend".
Valid point. And TRUE.
Next, the way that we're told that if we don't plunk down almost a
grand for this "life changing", or for lack of a better phrase,
"income changing" product, we'll be hating ourselves for inactivity
for years to come.
Yep. This is definitely used. Hell, I even use this one myself at
times. And, I've even wrote about it in my aforementioned "dirty
tricks" ebook series.
The important thing you MUST realize is as bus.iness people, WE DO
WHAT WE'RE TAUGHT. And if we're taught wrong, well, you can imagine
the outcome. But, we also have to follow the things that WORK. So, in
this case, many of the underhanded, sneaky tactics used DO just that,
which is, right or wrong, why they are used to begin with.
And finally, the author brings up the fact that the "Gurus" don't
really care about the "little guys". Actually, without the "little
guys" hanging on their every word, or pro.duct launches, they're SUNK
That is SO TRUE!
Think about it. What happens if we DON'T do what we're programmed to
do? What if we finally WAKE UP from their well spun dreams of easy
Honestly, I believe the entire idea behind the report was to instill
TRUST in people who have been taken by other, bigger, more connected
Internet Marketers. And, by gaining this trust by associating with
those terrible feelings of being "suckered", the author now has a
powerful group behind him. And, it is such a group that he does
indeed KNOW they WILL spe.nd mon.ey on information pro.ducts,
because, he knows they already HAVE. That's how they got "taken" in
the first place. See where I'm going here?
Am I saying that the author is only in this for himself? Certainly
not. No one really KNOWS what his motives are beyond himself and to
make anything more than a personal assumption would be terribly wrong
on my part. I'm only stating things that CAN be, not what ARE. What he
IS offering us is a platform to wake up by thinking for ourselves and
making our own decisions.
Now, after reading this, I really felt a connection with this author.
Truly. But, was still a bit skeptical about some parts of it. So, I
went on a hunt to find out more.
And I did.
I also found another free report dispelling the ideas and facts
brought up from another author. You can download that report
from here:
[JPP: this is the second link; very good info on it; again, nothing to
sell, just 15 pages of solid advice, point by point] -- make sure
you "Right Click And Sav.e As" on this one please :-)
This report was created to discredit, I believe, the previous
"GuruScam" report. But I felt it failed in that regard. You may
think differently.
It did offer a nice outline of how to begin generating your own
stream of income online. Nothing new or "rocket-sciency" however.
But still, a pretty solid outline nonetheless.
What did I come away with after all this research and reading?
Well, I came away with the feeling that even IF you stood up and said
"Internet Marketing Is A Sham! Avoid It Like The Plague!", only a
handful of people would question what they know. People say they want
to be told the truth, but in reality, not many do. They find more
comfort in the pretty lies they are spoon-fed instead.
I also learned that everyone has some sort of motive behind what they
are doing. Even if it IS giving the raw, honest truth about an idea or
situation. Or in this case, a business model.
What IS that motive?
In a word... money. But, I'm sure you probably already knew that.
Money is a powerful agent that makes us behave in strange ways. We
do things and say things we wouldn't normally do in order to attain
it. I know, I've done it myself, so I'm no "Angel". And I'm sure I'm
not alone in that regard. What is Marketing but attempting to sell?
That's the business we are in my friend.
But, I've also been on the other side of this argument as well and
been taken quite a few times by crappy products that weren't even
worthy enough for me to wipe my backside with. This is the reason I
create my own. But, unlike the "big boys", you won't see my name
mentioned a thousand times over. But, if you ask any of the "big
boys" if they've heard of such and such a product, they'd probably
say yes, but never remember who created it. That would be me. And
maybe even YOU!
With all of the information floating around online, it's hard to
determine facts from fiction. Who's lying? Who's telling the truth?
Unfortunately, we never find that out until it's too late.
One thing is for sure... Whether someone is telling the truth or
not, they are definitely making a profit from it in one way or
Is that wrong? Well, it all depends on the "Hows" involved with that
In the end, we can only be accountable for our own actions. And that
is the last thing I came away with by reading GuruScam. My ability
to think for myself and make my own decisions about certain things
going on. And, what will my part be in what's happening?
Will I continue to tell the "ugly" truth? You bet. If I'm asked
something, you had better believe I WILL tell you what I think will
happen. You may not like the answer, but hey, sometimes the truth CAN
hurt. It can also SET YOU FREE.
Until Next Time,
Tracy Yates
Bucks2Earn Ezine Owner - my personal email address
============== END OF TRACY TEXT =====================
What do you think? Info really worth pondering upon, right? I'd love to read your comments...
Tashi deley, *
Jorge Pinkus
Your Maximum Success Coach
P.D. On a totally unrelated theme: Every online marketer fears this... Get protected today!:
* Tashi deley = Tibetan greeting: "I Honor the Greatness in You."
Nov 3, 2007
Are the Gurus Out There to Trick You?
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