Oct 29, 2005

A Great $97 Course Totally Free for You

I’ve got some great news for you...

A friend of mine, Joe Cooper, has just released an incredible new course “Niche Profits Pack” that takes you step by step through his proven methods of making almost guaranteed profit in niche markets.

This incredible course shows step by step method of how to make a killing selling info products online.

Including the simple technique that you can use every time you create a new product that brings in thousands of dollars in a very short period of time!

I have just gone through the course, and I loved it. He will be selling it for $97.

But listen to this...

He gave me permission to share the thank-you page with my subscribers — so you can get his amazing $97 course for free!

Here is the special thank-you page:
—> http://tinyurl.com/cmt6p

Go and pickup your free copy now.

Oct 21, 2005

How to Build Links Back to your Site with Content and Articles

One of the most frequent questions we receive is how to build a lot of link-backs to a particular website. On this subject, we found this article by Rob Sullivan which answers this matter precisely:


Sometimes, link building is more than just searching out sites to request links from. Sometimes you have to get creative in how you build links.

In this article, we look at another way of building links that doesn't really require you to go out and search for relevant sites from which to request links.

The web is growing at a phenomenal rate. Technorati, a popular blog search and syndication site estimates that the blogosphere alone doubles in size every 5 months. As of the end of July 2005, Technorati was tracking over 14.2 million weblogs, and over 1.3 billion links.

Who knows how much the rest of the web grows? I would bet that while it doesn't double every 5 months its rate of growth is pretty impressive.

It is because of this growth in the web that other forms of link building become somewhat easier. I am talking about building links through content creation and publishing.

Chances are you are reading this article on the Text Link Brokers blog, or one of a number of syndication partners who agree to republish the article with links intact.

Through such syndication, you could come across this article through a variety of high profile websites on the web. In addition, these high profile sites are industry specific.

This means that any links I embed into this article (which is then syndicated) will ultimately point back to this site on important key phrases.

Think about this, for the time it takes me to write this article, I could have built as many as 2 dozen high quality, keyword rich links back to both the main site as well as the blog site.

Normally, for me to build 2 dozen high quality links for one of my clients I'd have to start with a list of about 500 somewhat related sites, filtering out those that are lower quality and submitting to 50 to 100 sites in hopes of achieving those 20 or so links.

And it has been my experience that I would be lucky to achieve 5 to 10 links from that initial list of 500 sites.

All this would have taken me about 5 or 6 hours ? even longer if I hadn't used a few tools to help gather those links.

Yet here I am with much less effort, able to achieve almost the same number of links.

That's the nice thing about content, it can do so many things for your site:

  • A growing site helps encourage search engine crawlers to visit repeatedly.

  • A growing site has more pages which have the potential to rank for other phrases.

  • A growing site offers more entry points to searchers.

  • A growing site offers more opportunities for others to link to it.

  • A growing site can help positively influence link popularity (if internal navigation is coded properly

  • And More...

    There are many other great reasons for starting an ongoing content development program. Aside from the link building opportunities, you can also begin to develop your online reputation as an expert in your field.

    Further, as visitors do searches on search engines, there is a greater opportunity for your content to appear for those searches, helping to build your brand.

    If you take you content development program a step further and syndicate your content to a wider audience (via blog pings and so on) you can reach even more people, potentially building even more links and allowing your name (and brand) to reach beyond the "traditional" web.

    For example, when I do a search for my name, I find myself in traditional organic SERPs but also on sites like Google News, as well as most of the main blog search engines.

    This is because this site, and others I write for, are syndicated. Plus those sites that I mentioned earlier — the syndication partners — are also syndicated.

    So my articles appear numerous times for the same search. This helps build my reputation online.

    Not only does my name appear throughout the web, but articles like these also get picked up by even more sources. Ones that perhaps didn't read this blog, or one of the syndication partners, but they may have found it on Bloglines, Technorati or any of the other large blog search engines.

    Then, the article gets picked up by even more sources, in its entirety, with links and all.

    So, the number of new links I've created has now jumped from the original two on this article, to a couple dozen on our syndication partners to ????

    It's interesting to see where articles get picked up. I've found myself quoted in PDFs belonging to Universities, on foreign sites where I've been translated into Korean, Chinese and even Russian. And, you guessed it, the links remain intact.

    That's because these articles aren't like news — they last much longer than a press release which, while gaining huge exposure for 2 or 3 days, quickly disappears.

    The articles last forever because they continue to be circulated by various sites who find them in searches, and either copy them or link to them. Then their sites get syndicated and found by others who then also link or copy the article.

    You may begin to see that this type of linking can go on almost forever, because what I'm writing here isn't necessarily newsworthy, but it is an article that people will find useful for months and years to come (I hope). As it becomes more and more established on the web (and more entrenched, because of the number of high quality related links already pointing to it) it begins to take on a life of its own.

    And the more articles which I write for this site which appear like this, the better it is for the site.

    So, what is the downside to this plan?

    The only one, really, is that you have to be able to write. And not just scribble your ideas down, but make them intelligible and easy to read.

    This is what takes the practice. But I can tell you that while you may (and likely will) labor for hours over your first few articles, over time they do get easier.

    So much so that you will begin composing them in your sleep, or while you are waiting for your bus, or any place else where you have down time.

    [N.E.: Another way of learning to use your content thru the use of articles, is using one or several of the tools created to that purpose. One that we advocate is “Article-Money-Maker” (found at http://www.123-sites.com/Article-Money-Maker) whith which you can make a great passive income.]

    So if you are concerned that a massive and costly link building campaign is your only option to increasing your online visibility think again. Sometimes something as simple as an "I was thinking" article can drive dozens of new relevant links to your site.

    With such value in your search listings, it’s wise to extend your branding efforts through SEM campaigns. The coordination of SEM and advertising expertise ensures that all critical ad elements work together for both conversions and the elevation of your brand.


    About the Author:
    Rob Sullivan - http://www.textlinkbrokers.com
    Rob Sullivan - SEO Specialist and Internet Marketing Consultant.
    This article is syndicated and republished in its entirety.

    If Content is King, Here’s How to Make your Website a Kingdom, by Jorge Pinkus

    Everywhere on the Internet you look now, it seems that content — free as much as paid for — is flourishing. E-zine publishing is at an all-time high. Blogging is hip. And even the Search Engines are showing that this is not a fad, but a trend.

    In this day and age of online marketing, content has been heralded as king, and for good reasons. People flock to sites not because of the flashy graphics nor the astounding features nor the witty domain name of the said pages, but because of the information contained therein that would enlighten them with their queries of the moment.

    Content is even more potent in winning visitors than, say, search engine placements. You may derive a tremendous amount of traffic from the search engines, but if your content is junk, your visitors will never come back. But with good content, alas, you’ll have for yourself recurring visitors who will be eager to read your latest update.

    You are most probably aware about the importance of traffic. Relying on unique visitors alone won’t give you the traffic that can be considered as sustainable. You must find a way that would encourage previous visitors to return to your site as well. Good content does this with relative ease.

    It goes without saying then that your website should have rich, premium, informative content. Content is indeed king, and your web pages serves as the throne. For the success of your business, your website should be constructed as such.

    Here are some simple steps that would help you build a content site, and fast:

    • Develop the layout that is simple and pleasant to the eyes. By keeping away from flashy ornaments, you’ll be able to manipulate the focus of your visitors to the content you want to share. Let your content carry your web pages and let the words speak for themselves.
    • You cannot rely on words alone, no matter how witty and cleverly used they are. There should be substance behind them as ultimately, the worth of your words is what would impress upon your visitors the true value of your website as a quality resource hub. So do your research. Make sure you know the subject matter by heart before writing your content. If you have questions about the same, do not try to conceal it them with silence. Seek out the answers and leave no bases uncovered. Make your content as comprehensive as possible, and your visitors won’t have to look elsewhere to find the answers they are seeking.
    • Your content should be presented credibly. Employing good writing skills would be instrumental to achieve this. Pay attention to the intricacies of writing for the web. Write well, but in a simple manner. Avoid using jargons and flowery words. Keep your paragraphs short so that you could make good use of negative space, that blank area between clusters of words which would allow your readers’ eyes to rest. Use bullets and numberings as much as possible. Online users are not really known for their patience, and this is something you have to work on.
    • When writing your content, make sure that the first part of your piece is capable of grabbing your visitors’ interest so that they would be motivated to read on. In these times of convenient surfing, bear in mind that your readers can always go to another site if they don’t find your content engaging. The challenge lies in capturing their interests and giving them what they want. This would compel them to read on and stay.
    • Always update your website with new content. Not only will the search engines love this, resulting in a higher page rank for your site, your visitors will likewise be encouraged to return to your site come for the new information you would share.
    • Consider using blogs instead of traditional HTML designs. Blogs are very easy to set up and update. Once you have typed your entries, all you have to do is to click on a button to publish them. A lot of Internet marketers actually use blogs in creating several mini-sites for their AdSense campaign. Blogs allow them to set up multiple pages in one day. And with the way blogs are favorably getting indexed at the forefront of every search engine result, their value has fantastically increased in recent months!
    • Write articles, write articles, write articles. And, of course, distribute them to the ezine directories. You can use a very handy tool, called Article-Money-Maker, which you can find here: http://www.123-sites.com/Article-Money-Maker

    Content is king, but you wield control. Furnish the king with royal garments and surely, your online kingdom would reap the rewards at a faster rate.


    Jorge Pinkus is CEO of www.123-Sites.com where you can get your own website, annual hosting, domain registration, unlimited email addresses, 999 autoresponders and much more for only $99 per year.

    You can republish this article off or online, provided it is published in its entirety, the hyperlinks are live and you keep the byline and this author-box.

    The Power of Articles, by Jorge Pinkus

    “Discover How to Master The Power of Articles to Create a Long-Lasting Residual Income - Quickly, Easily and Simply with Article Money Maker...”

    (The crazy thing is that Article Money Maker can set up for you a Profit Generating System in less than 24 hours starting from scratch — Even if you hate writing...)

    If you desperately NEED high quality content... .
    • for your website for adsense sites
    • for promoting affiliate programs
    • for promoting your own products
    • to create an unstoppable viral income
    • or anything else for that matter

    ...then you need to go this address:

    You are about to discover everything you need to know to pump out dozens of high quality articles full of informative and quality content every single day!

    Oct 16, 2005

    Search Engine Optimization Made Easy

    One of the most sought-after tecniques in Internet Marketing is how to get a website into the search engines or directories (like Yahoo!, Google and others).

    There are miriads of websites, e-books, courses and consultants teaching how to do it.

    However, we found a great resource: “Search Engine Optimization Made Easy”: Simple, Fool-Proof Strategies you can use right away for search engine success.

    And, right now, you can get this great resource, with more than $1,600 dollars worth of free bonus. Also, these bonus complete and complement the techniques and strategies delineated in SEO Made Easy.

    Go to this address and get your guide, you will like what you are going to find there: