Dec 14, 2006

Believe: The Prosperity Start Point

I found this post in the Attracting Prosperity and Financial Freedom from, and thought that you may find it very attractive and interesting:

Want to do better financially?

Guess what? It starts in your head.

You need to believe that you can have more and do better.

Many of us have a terrible, horrible critic in our head that tells us we'll never get ahead, we'll never do better, that money just doesn't come our way.

Or that we just don't know enough about money and that we are destined to always be struggling.

It's time to stop that awful critic.

There are a vast variety of techniques out there for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, but one of my favorites (because it's rather easy) is to just start telling yourself positive money talks as often as possible. If you hear the positive more than the negative, you'll start to believe it! And it's true! Don't think that you are telling yourself lies --what you think and believe is what you create.

I challenge you to try it.

Start telling yourself that money easily flows into your life. Start telling yourself that you are responsible with money and make good choices. Start telling yourself that all your dreams are possible and that you are the one that will make those dreams come true.

This is the address to their blog:

Attracting Prosperity and Financial Freedom - Wealth & Money Blog - Wealth & Prosperity Coach -

Hope you agree with it and start what they're saying. I, for one, will.

Your Maximum Success Coach
Jorge Pinkus

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